
Cell: (218) two one three – 2370
wandersen02 [at] gmail [dot] com

Portal: An Optum ecosystem for building enhancing and marketing APIs and applications.

NachoCMS: Yet another tilt at the windmill of content management systems.

ADHDirect: Remote coaching for parents and children overcoming ADHD.

Cow-Pool: Pool together with friends to buy a whole cow from a local farm.

Vetta: Bringing telemedicine convenience and efficiency to veterinary medicine.

Bunch: Subscribers receive cash back for buying their groceries at healthy stores (Whole Foods, Trader Joes), and bonus cash back for buying fresh produce. Participating stores get help attracting customers, and employers can encourage employees to join to encourage healthier eatings habits. Everyone wins. The app is written with Ruby on Rails and runs on Heroku.

Northwood United Methodist Church: Northwood UMC is a church in Esko. This project was an excersize in minimizing cost, and automating site maintenance. You can learn more about it here.

CaringBridge: We offer protected websites for connecting people when it matters most. A nonprofit supported by people just like you, CaringBridge serves more than 500,000 people each day.

CaringBridge DevOps: I assist CaringBridge's Systems Admins in the devopment of the development environment used by CaringBridge engineers. This enviornment is built with Vargant, Chef, and Berkshelf.

Benefits Compliance Link: Offering non-discrimination testing, plan document creation, and PPACA consulting services. (The product is now being operated by Benefits Business Law Advisors, LLC. They are using it internally and have taken down the externally accessible tool.)

DocentEDU: Using JavaScript and a Laravel API to layer learning on content.

Pixel Protection: Securing digital assets online.

Command Food App: Have you ever wanted to order delivery food from the command line with Ruby and Watir!? Of course you have! This will let you do it.

The project is in development, but there is a working prototype for Erberts and Gerberts here.